Shtusim: for your entertainment

Sunday, February 12, 2006


I had an incredible dream last night. It was a movie-length dream and was so intricate and detailed that when I woke up, I felt like I had really been through it, but without the popcorn. The funny thing was that as I was waking up I could both hear and see the dream as well as hear what was going on in the real world - wierd. I felt like I had one foot in reality and one foot in dream-land.

I know people who seem like that generally.

After an operation on my nose and throat in January 2003, I stayed with my parents for a week of recovery. I was astounded that I was able to get up and learn Gemorrah at midnight. But then, again, I slept a lot during the day and I didn't have the kids to worry about. But it was a wonderful feeling to be totally relaxed - despite the severely crippling shooting pains in my throat.

I think that some people are constantly asleep although they look like they are awake - like some politicians I know of who seem to live in a different universe to the rest of us. I don't know exactly who they were talking about (enlighten me if you know), but there was an article in last week's edition of Hamodia that said something like: there was a President of the United States who slept only 4 hours a night. When asked why he slept so little, he replied that he wasn't the President when he was asleep. The author of the article went on to say that it would have been better for the world if this President would have slept more.

I heard about medical interns who are on-call 24 hours a day. Yep. I'd really like a sleep-deprived medical student prescribing drugs for me. Sounds like a plan.

Have you ever wanted to be an insomniac? I am toying with the idea of attempting not to sleep for three days straight just to see what happens. I wonder how productive I would be. I suppose my mind would be constantly worrying about staying awake to actually do anything useful, like, say, think.

Sometimes I wish that sleep wasn't necessary - it seems like such a waste of time, unless, of course, you get to see a free movie.


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