Shtusim: for your entertainment

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

1,890,513 Israeli Citizens Who Can't Complain.

I predicted that the voter turnout rate in the 2006 Israeli elections will be approximately 62%. According to the Jerusalem Post, the rate was, infact, 63.2%.

Not a bad prediction, eh?

Well, that's something like 1,890,513 Israeli citizens who can't complain when the incoming Kadima government decides to commit national suicide by giving away large tracts of land to our enemies as a reward for killing Israeli civilians. Most people call that "surrender". Imagine if Richard Nixon had said, "Oh, we're not surrendering South Vietnam. We're just 'unilaterally disengaging'. OK?"

Words don't matter, because if Olmert does what he says he is going to do, all I have to say is to hold on to your helmets and bunker down, boys - good luck to us all. We'll need it.

And to the 1,890,513 people who didn't vote: I hope you don't live in Judea, Samaria or within Kassam distance of the Olmert border.


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